Quiet air-conditioning

  • Air conditioner noise
  • Environmental noise measurements
  • Choosing your air conditioner
  • The world’s best air conditioners!

With summer well and truly underway, it’s only natural that you should be thinking about getting an air conditioning system. Although air conditioners are chosen for their ability to cool a room or an entire house, did you know that the quality of your unit will also be reflected in its sound emissions? In fact, the number of decibels can vary from one type of device to another and can be a decisive point in your purchase. To help you make an informed choice for your next air conditioning product, Daikin offers you a brief overview of decibels, their effects on your daily life and the different types of products available on the market.

Air conditioner noise

Studies have shown that your well-being can be influenced by the effects of ambient noise. Repeated exposure to noise can lead to irritation, stress and even depression if it prevents you from resting properly. Extra-auditory effects can even occur when noise affects the well-being of the central nervous system (sleep disorders), the psyche (concentration, aggressiveness, productivity) and the neuro-vegetative system (blood and arterial pressure, digestive system). In fact, the entire metabolism reacts to repeated noise-induced stress. Of course, we’re talking here about prolonged and recurrent exposure to high levels of noise pollution, but this does give us some idea of how simple noises can affect our lives.

In order to avoid the inconvenience of poor acoustic comfort, specialists point out that above 60 dB, noise can become annoying, and that above 70 dB there is even talk of a reduction in quality of life, reaching the tiring threshold of the sound environment. Hence the importance of choosing the right equipment for your home. By way of comparison, here is a list of common everyday noises:

Environmental noise measurements

00 – 20 – Theoretical silence / desert20 – 40 – Whispering / forest noise
40 – 60 – Library / washing machine / refrigerator / moderate rain
60 – 80 – Dryer / casual conversation / vacuum cleaner / busy street
80 – 100 – Lawnmower / car horn / subway
100-120 – Disco / jackhammer / motorcycle
120-130 – Emergency vehicle siren / plane taking off 300 meters away
140-150 – Big concert / formula 1
160-180 – Explosion
180-200 – Rocket taking off

Choosing your air conditioner

Thanks to advances in technology, air conditioners are now more efficient and quieter than ever before. Obviously, the quality of the design and the type of unit will influence the noise it produces. Generally speaking, portable units and window air conditioners are unfortunately the noisiest. Certainly quieter, wall-mounted and central units are the way to go if you want maximum comfort. With the compressor located outside the home, you’ll be able to keep unwanted noise to a minimum. However, performance and noise intensity will once again depend on the quality of your unit. Even though the unit is outside, check your city’s regulations regarding noise levels in the vicinity of your home. For example, the city of Montreal allows noise levels not exceeding 60 dB during the day and 50 dB at night.

The best air conditioners in the world!

Proud to offer the highest quality design, Daikin has been manufacturing some of the quietest wall and central air conditioners in the industry for 95 years (1). Whether for an air conditioning system or a heat pump, discover our outdoor units emitting sound levels as low as 46 dB (2) and indoor units emitting 19 dB (2); the equivalent of a refrigerator and a whisper. Visit our section dedicated to our many models to see the unrivalled quality of Daikin products. If you have any questions about your choice of unit, please contact a Daikin specialist in your area.

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